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Keep up to date with all our courses and events held at The Canine Activity Centre here!  

All the latest courses, trainers classes and events will be advertised here as well as our Instagram and Facebook pages so make sure you follow us too!

Currently there are no courses, events or classes available.


Pantwilkin Stables, Cowbridge

Vale of Glamorgan

CF71 7GX

07777 176 154

What Three Words: ///grove.nurtures.minority

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DIRECTIONS: The centre is based in the business hub on Pant Wilkin Stables - follow the signs off of the A48 for the Business Hub, down the hill to the very bottom and through the stone pillars - there are log cabins on your left. Follow this road to the end into the car park. The centre is located at the farthest end of the LEFT hand side barns, tucked around the corner at the end. This is opposite JCB Animal Physio Rehabilitation Centre. Please use any available parking spaces.

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