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Welcome to The Canine Activity Centre 

A large, indoor safe space to exercise your dogs based in The Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales

See below for what we have to offer!

At The Canine Activity Centre, we're dedicated to create a safe, fun, engaging and enriching space for your dogs to play.


Created to engage your dogs brain through different means of mental stimulation

A space that suites all ages, sizes, breeds and energy levels, it has everything each and every dog needs to mentally and physically stimulate them


This space is a dedicated doggy indoor space, keeping you out of our fabulous wet Welsh weather and ensuring exercising your dog doesn't have to be done in the dark


Encouraging you to engage more in your dogs walks through training, physiotherapeutic exercises and fun interactive


Physically tiring for your dog without allowing too much 'zooming'


Why Us?

  • The Canine Activity Centre is perfect for dogs that are nervous or aggressive around other dogs, being able to book your own space with no other dog interaction

  • The space is designed to improve owner interaction and connection with your dogs, stimulating their minds and yours to create a better bond - who wouldn't want that?

  • The Canine Activity Centre is all about that - dogs doing activities - this is so much more than just let your dogs off to run - they can explore, climb, balance, smell, meet new obstacles and different textures.

  • The centre is completely enclosed with a double door system and the outside space is secured with 6ft fencing allowing you and your dog a safe place to play, train and exercise. 

  • Perfect for dogs cannot be let off their lead and need a place to run safely and securely. 

  • Maybe you like to walk your dog in peace away from the local parks that are getting busier and busier. 

  • We offer1 hour sessions on our easy to use online booking system.


Pantwilkin Stables, Cowbridge

Vale of Glamorgan

CF71 7GX

07777 176 154

What Three Words: ///grove.nurtures.minority

Contact us

DIRECTIONS: The centre is based in the business hub on Pant Wilkin Stables - follow the signs off of the A48 for the Business Hub, down the hill to the very bottom and through the stone pillars - there are log cabins on your left. Follow this road to the end into the car park. The centre is located at the farthest end of the LEFT hand side barns, tucked around the corner at the end. This is opposite JCB Animal Physio Rehabilitation Centre. Please use any available parking spaces.

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